This article provides a list of the most recent Release Notes and links to Release Notes from older versions that can be downloaded as a PDF. The Saratoga Compatibility matrices are included to provide details on compatibility between versions and features.
Feature Enhancements
The following new additions were added to Saratoga version.
- SARAT-4496: Making the SSIConnect.cfg file path customizable for Rich Client
- SARAT-2251: Enhancing data integration capabilities using Saratoga Web Service
Defects Resolved
Applies to Saratoga and covers bug fixes to release Customer environments (Oracle 19c).
- SARAT-6723 SARAT-2194: Failed at Step 3 Step 3 failed: After clicking on Search in
"Outlook app" the Archive Selections window goes into Not Responding
mode and there is another pop-up that opens in Rich Client - SARAT-8017: Oracle 19c Compatibility after upgrade - GA
- SARAT-6748: Numeric data are truncated overnight
- SARAT-1318: ESSILOR GmbH | Quick Search initially displays as not responding, but
eventually returns erroneous results, indicating that the <userid> criteria
is being completely ignored. - SARAT-1309: ESSILOR GmbH | The selection mask for the Dataview appears twice
Applies to Saratoga or for specific earlier releases.
- SARAT-135: ScrWiz does not display all controls that are actual in the dvf
- SARAT-183: Mobile Client: MaxRecordsReportChart key is missing in Web.config,
Report with chart always be limit - SARAT-275: Add icon on dataview toolbar is not available
- SARAT-283: Non IE browsers does not disable the “Open” button in the update event
window, when column event without PK is created. - SARAT-376: Rich Client: Deleting records will not delete the corresponding events
- SARAT-384: Thin Client allows Save Changes when CHANGES.DAT is locked, causing
data loss - SARAT-410: Thin Client: Filtered grid list shows all records when filter value is empty,
in previous releases no records wer - SARAT-425: Rich Client: Incorrect results when searching for empty RTF fields in Rich
Client - SARAT-470: Installer: Deletes the manually created custom path folder where all the
files are copied when uninstalling - SARAT-525: QT results sort on a column shows blank records first even when sorting
ascending and/or descending - SARAT-563: Ordinal option has duplicate values and missing sequence due to Delete
key operation - SARAT-582: Parity with RC : Watch icon does not match with the icons found in Rich
Client. - SARAT-698: Mobile Client: Join to Candidate Key doesn't work with 7.2 in Mobile Client
- SARAT-750: Thin Client: Modified child data in not canceling when Close current
record of DupCheck window button is operated in Thin Client - SARAT-840: 14027E Error causes Import using MATCH to try inserting dup record
- SARAT-851: Mobile Client: when numeric field has Comma option set, data is
truncated after the comma - SARAT-1009: Thin Client: Edit Mode: Save and Refresh doesn't save new changes if
other changes already saved using Save C - SARAT-1113: Mobile Client: Query results incorrect if criteria is applied to a Meta or
View field - SARAT-1358: Thin Client: Activating "Check duplicates" feature in Thin client produces
error - SARAT-1378: Fixing Error Message: COPY OF CP IS IN THE DATABASE ALREADY
- SARAT-2229: CDX child record NOTE_RISQETA is invalid
- SARAT-2338: QuickEmail always opens the Office365 login window
- SARAT-2794: Update Center dbrecalc fails with dbadmin
- SARAT-3104: Browse for reports window - Show table default reports does not work
- SARAT-3136: Sequence of "Columns to view:" on selecting "Return to Quick Search
(Close this Window)" is changed to default sequence. - SARAT-3160: Browse for reports window - Show table default reports does not work
- SARAT-3812: Update rule not triggering on Chrome and Firefox browsers in certain
cases - SARAT-3973: CDX link not aligned on Thin Client
- SARAT-99: Thin Client: REJECT rules on PAGE CLOSE_CHG do not work in thin client
but work in rich - SARAT-136: Rich client : Hide record with or without warning setting is ignored if there
is a formula in the report. - SARAT-144: Custom color set in screen wizard is not working for time fields
- SARAT-181: Rich Client initialization issue with TIME fields
- SARAT-235: Remove extra space in the List area
- SARAT-246: Import error when importing data with special characters in non-unicode
string fields. - SARAT-266: Popup dialog for email archive selection doesn't display correctly in 125%
resolution - SARAT-278: LAN.exe - Repair activity loses the target and start in path of LAN.exe and
residue issues... - SARAT-302: Thin Client: Quick search returns error if column searched is not part of
saved report - SARAT-307: ScreenWizard - If navigated using Next\Previous button on the control the
modification done to the property is still retained even after clicking on
Cancel - SARAT-338: Thin Client: Changing a value on a numeric field and tab out will gray out
the page - SARAT-391: The option Show Blank If 0 is ignored in Thin Client in List grid hovers on
numeric columns - SARAT-397: Thin Client - Error '500 - Internal server error' appeared to TC when
Formcenter is uninstalled - SARAT-446: Thin Client: opening a vertical tab will always show the top of DVF, user
will lose the current position - SARAT-448: Mobile client: Security - 7.2:HTML\Iframe injection in Site/Site Search
- SARAT-518: Row background and Alternate background color are not proper when
the report is "Grouped". - SARAT-550: Send to PDF output options in Rich Client User Preferences aren't being
saved - SARAT-552: Error is thrown when Between criteria is set on a view column - String
data type - SARAT-559: Translation Differentiator field in Screen Wizard allows more characters
than 20 characters - SARAT-573: Clean up ssidbrecalc table when DBRecalc completes with errors
- SARAT-598: Chart does not display data if the same column is added twice and one
has x-axis and other y-axis - SARAT-601: Mobile Client - Cannot open the attachment added until it is saved.
- SARAT-625: Dataview Themes are ignored by list grids and list hovers placed in the
Static or Detail areas - SARAT-680: Mobile Client: - Valid range for Mobile Client web.config setting for
MaxGlobalSearchRecordCount - SARAT-691: UAdmin Batch update does not set web_group if user is defined as
rich/thin client user - SARAT-693: Update Center Task Scheduler keeps old date in memory when a task
crosses midnight during its run. - SARAT-699: Resizing the items on the dashboard, corrupts the panel position.
- SARAT-703: BJB - Thin Client report edit mode, pressing the enter key does not save
the changes - SARAT-709: Clicking on rerun report on chart report does not refresh the chart report.
- SARAT-718: Thin Client: usercount and licenses are not matching in database - Login
error when all licenses are used - SARAT-751: Send To Email as attachment didn't create an attachment
- SARAT-831: Thin Client: @LOOKUP2 needs an explicit conversion to numeric format
but it shouldn't - SARAT-838: Thin Client: Firefox browser - Unable to open Online Help due to Adobe
Acrobat version msg - SARAT-841: Column width is not proper when non default font of the column header
and body is set - SARAT-856: Thin Client: Reports with subcount on date column displays subcount as a
date instead of an integer count - SARAT-870: Custom color is not working for combobox
- SARAT-886: Thin Client: Deleting a record does not delete the events both record level
and column level. - SARAT-887: Thin Client: The Web config key 'EnableDropdownListType' value or the
user settings value for Typeahead is not respected in reports\ searches - SARAT-930: Rich Client: Sort order on a formula column is ignored if subtotal is used
on any other column in the query - SARAT-931: Thin Client QT subtotal-total results are incorrect if you have multiple
child records on query - SARAT-951: Mobile Client: Record does not open, when a child table is selected for
drilldown in the report. - SARAT-985: Thin Client: Advanced Criteria does not recognize question mark as single
value search - SARAT-987: RDB installer does not take to proper installation window when wrong
SQL server is selected - SARAT-998: Clicking on 'No' for save prompt with Close page \Close tab, does not add
the record in the recent items list. - SARAT-1373: selection error on search to join window
- SARAT-1475: Rich Client: TC usercount and licenses are not matching in database -
Login error when all licenses are used - SARAT-1880: Fields are not properly aligned on options page in prompt criteria column
for "between" criteria type - SARAT-1882: Column header is missing for last column on columns options page of
report - SARAT-1947: Thin Client: A error occurs when trying to create a new NOTE for
ACCOUNT in SDB - SARAT-1993: Thin Client: Text fields are overlapping after the upgrade of Thin Client
- SARAT-2087: Header style with custom fonts is formed incorrectly
- SARAT-2616: Canceling the record on duplicate check window does not revert the
changes on an existing record - SARAT-2624: Canceling the record on duplicate check window after Refresh and save it
deleting the record - SARAT-2625: Canceling the record on duplicate check window after Recalculate and
save it deleting the record - SARAT-327: Device Server log named DeviceClientCRM.log has typo. Says
Authrorization instead of Authorization - SARAT-489: Change Neo in UAdmin error to Thin Client
- SARAT-920: Issue with display of criteria options in quick query
- SARAT-1052: Mobile Client:No warning message is displayed if Hide records with
warning message is checked in UAdmin - SARAT-1088: Send to Email as Attachment is not working from grid or from query tool
result in Rich client. - SARAT-1100: Thin Client: Chrome - browse report tab, reports selection checkbox not
working for resolution 1024*768.
Compatibility Matrix
Release Notes Archive
Known Issues
Description | Jira Ticket | Affected Version(s) |